As part of this year’s in-house trade fair, the Contract Event was successfully held. Under the theme "Let’s talk sustainable," participants received valuable insights and comprehensive information on the topic of sustainability.
The event began with a tour of our production facility, where guests gained a close-up view of the craftsmanship and precision of our team.
Later in the day, there was an introductory session followed by an interactive scavenger hunt through the showrooms in Nagold, offering exciting insights into our latest concepts.
The highlight of the event was the keynote by Prof. Dr. Sandra Rochnowski, a renowned expert in tourism and sustainability management.
Moderated by Sascha Dalig, and joined by Julia Schneider (iam interior.architects.munich) and Mosas Pilscheur (CEO of Mycrobez AG), innovative approaches and materials for a sustainable future were discussed. The discussion round was rich in inspiring insights and valuable knowledge.
The day concluded with a relaxed get-together, providing participants with ample opportunity for networking and exchange.